© Foto Mirja Geh; Adventmarkt in Mondsee vor der Basilika St. Michael
Advent in Mondsee mit Gastronomieständen und einigen Besuchern vor der Basilika
Advent in Mondsee mit Gastronomieständen und einigen Besuchern vor der Basilika

in Mondsee

Advent in Mondsee 2024

Advent in Mondsee 2024
Advent 2023 is behind us and we look forward to seeing you again at Advent in Mondsee 2024! 

Details will follow!

© Christbaumtauchen ©TVB Mondsee-Irrsee
Personen stehen beim See im dunklen
Christmas tree dipping
Christmas tree dipping

With torchlight procession from the Mondsee market square and musical accompaniment by the St. Lorenzer Weisenbläsern. NEPTUN rises from the depths of Lake Mondsee with a brightly lit Christmas tree. 

Saturday, 16th December, 6 p.m.

© Foto TVB Mondsee-Irrsee/Wolfgang Weinhäupl; Seepromenade Mondsee im Winter
Verschneite Seepromenade Mondsee mit Bäumen und Bänken. Blick auf den See und den Schafberg im Hintergrund. Die Sonne scheint, es sind kaum Wolken am Himmel.

Advent cruise

Advent cruise

The special Advent experience on the MS Mondseeland.

On Advent weekends, experience the magic of Advent and St Nicholas boat trips on the MS Mondseeland.

Charter trips for groups can also be booked with the Hemetsberger family, MondseeSchifffahrt Hemetsberger .

drive off.

Advent for kids

Advent for kids

For the kids

During his mystical lantern walks, Richard Kothmaier tells you a lot of different fairy tales from the region Mondsee-Irrsee.

In the christmas craft room, children can make their christmas presents themselfs. 

© ©TVB Mondsee Irrsee
view of the church



Mondsee-Irrsee is changing during the christmas time in a fairy tale landscape with a lot of things to do.
Get excited for christmas with good music and good food and drinks.

to the Adventprogamm

Various Christmas trees at the Advent in Mondsee site are for sale. The proceeds go to charitable causes. Register at the tourist office during opening hours or by e-mail.

Your tree will be reserved for you and must be collected directly from the Advent market on 17 December between 18:00 and 19:00. The tree is not wrapped.

For more than 10 years, Mondsee artist Michaela Moisl-Taurer has been designing the Mondseer Advent Häferl.

The artist specialises in painting. Her preferred techniques are acrylic on canvas, mixed watercolour techniques with ink. chalk, gouache and pen and ink drawings as well as collages.

You can find her artworks, painting courses and further information at: Kunstvilla am Mondsee

© Foto Mirja Geh; Pärchen am Advent in Mondsee
Eine junge Frau und ein junger Mann schlendern Arm in Arm durch den Adventmarkt in Mondsee. Die beiden sehen einander in die Augen und lächeln. Die Frau hält einen Bauernkrapfen in der Hand, der Mann hält ein Häferl mit Heißgetränk. Im Hintergrund sind ein Gastronomiestand und Schirme zu sehen.

Food and Drinks

Food and Drinks

In front of the impressive Basilika, the gastronomy offers you a lot of different and regional delicacies. 

eating and drinking.